The NESCol Nursery at Fraserburgh Campus, currently operated by national charity Flexible Childcare Services Scotland, will be closing at the end of the 2024/25 academic year. The final day will be Friday 5 July 2025.
The financial viability of the service, during a period of significant financial challenges in the Scottish college sector which has brought a real terms reduction of funding from the Scottish Government of 17% over the past three years, was the main factor in making the decision to close.
The nursery has been a valued part of campus life for many years and we know parents and children have many happy memories of their time under the wing of the FCSS team. Our thanks go to all who have made use of the nursery and, of course, to all who have provided such excellent care.
NESCol has liaised with Aberdeenshire Council, with the local authority in a position to provide information and guidance on local providers: Early learning and childcare places – Aberdeenshire Council.
We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for the current nursery children in the months ahead if you plan to return to NESCol and/or require childcare in 2025/26.