The College has funds that you may be able to access to help towards your registered childcare costs whilst studying at NESCol.
Help with costs of childcare
Discretionary Childcare Funds
The College receives funding to assist FE and HE students with registered childcare costs. The Discretionary Childcare Fund is means tested on the household income. Students should be aware that the College may not cover the full costs towards childcare costs. Any outstanding amount is the student’s responsibility.
Lone Parents Childcare Grant
The Lone Parents Childcare Grant (LPCG) element entitles students to a payment of up to £1,215 per year to all eligible further and higher education students who are lone parents and formal registered childcare expenses whilst studying. The LPCG is not income assessed.
You should contact the Student Advice Centre in the first instance, staff will be able to confirm your eligibility for this funding and will email you a web link to complete the relevant application form.
To access childcare funding you must also complete your online bursary application if studying on a non-advanced course (this is usually send to applicants around May/June each year) or SAAS application if studying on an advanced course.
Childcare funding is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. NESCol will only cover childcare costs for the days you are timetabled to attend College. Further information is available in our Childcare Funding information leaflet.
If you have any queries about childcare funding, please contact, or if you wish to make an appointment, please call 01224 612284 (Aberdeen City Campus) or 01346 586129 (Fraserburgh Campus)

Finding a registered childcare provider
For further information on registered providers in your area, please contact your local Childcare Information Services. Details of family information services and other important services can be found on the Scottish Childcare website.
Aberdeen City Family Information Service
Telephone: 01224 764803
Aberdeenshire Family Information Service
Telephone: 0800 298 3330
For reports on registered providers including inspection reports, visit the Scottish Care Inspectorate website.
For information on Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit please contact HM Revenue & Customs:
HM Revenue & Customs
Telephone: 0345 300 3900
There are a number of different funding options available, depending on which course you choose to study.
Our Student Advice Centres are your one-stop-shop for all information and support during your time at NESCol.
Our friendly and experienced student advisers offer appointments and drop-in sessions, as well as group sessions and workshops.
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