NESCol course puts teachers on the right track
January 29, 2020
The NESCol Sound Production team is proud to deliver a bespoke teacher CPD experience to secondary school teachers from schools across Aberdeen City and Shire. This intensive course will run over two evenings and will see Sound Production Lecturer Pete Nixon present sessions to prepare teachers to deliver the new SQA Higher Music Technology course.
Teachers will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills and techniques relating to the creative use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio. These skills include selecting and using appropriate audio input devices and sources; applying microphone placement techniques; designing and constructing the signal path for multiple inputs; setting input gain and monitoring levels; overdubbing and editing tracks; applying creative and corrective equalisation, dynamics processing, time domain and other effects; applying a range of mixing techniques; and editing multiple takes into a single take.
These practical sessions follow on from a recent in-service visit where school teachers explored various topics relating to music technology and had the opportunity to learn more about the training opportunities at NESCol.
In addition, the team will be running bespoke sessions for pupils from Cults Academy and Mearns Academy next week exploring the science and art of music technology.