Karen Watson
Sport and Exercise Massage (Introductory & SCQF Level 6) followed by HNC Soft Tissue Therapy
“The evening class was a revelation. I never dreamt of a different career path but I just got completely hooked!”
A part-time course can often lead to an alternative career path as Karen Watson experienced when she applied for the eight week Introduction to Sport and Exercise Massage course last year. She enjoyed the course so much she decided to complete it twice!
Karen said, “It was really fun, enjoyable and great to meet new people. It was mainly practical with some theory around physiology and anatomy of the body and I decided to enrol again mainly to increase my confidence and understanding in the subject as I thought I might like to take it further.
“I then progressed onto a further evening class – the next level up – before deciding to return to College to study the full time HNC Soft Tissue Therapy course. So I changed my hours at work to accommodate my study and once I finish I will be qualified as a Sports Therapist.
“The evening class was a revelation. I never dreamt of a different career path but I just got completely hooked!”
Karen has recently completed the full-time HNC Soft Tissue Therapy course and is now self-employed on a part-time basis as a Sports Massage Therapist.
“It’s been a fantastic journey – and I have really challenged myself to get to where I am now. I have, and am still building up a good, loyal clientele base and I’m thankful to everyone who has, and continues to support me on my journey. You never stop learning and I have been on additional courses to broaden and deepen my skill set.”