SQA Results day

So you’ve got your exam results and want to know what to do next? Whatever your situation, we can help!

Providing your results

Screenshot, scan or photograph your results

Use your device to take a screenshot, scan or photograph of your results.

Email your results to us

  • Send your email to centraladmin@nescol.ac.uk
  • Include “SQA Results Submission” in the subject
  • Attach a copy of your results
  • In your email, include your application reference number, full name and date of birth

Our admin team will process your results

Following the above steps will ensure your results are processed as quickly as possible.

What happens next?

Met the conditions of your offer?

Your offer will be progressed to a full offer. Information will then be sent to you on how to enrol on your course.

Not met the conditions of your offer?

Don’t panic! Send in your results as outlined and we’ll be in touch, or request a callback from one of our subject specialists during clearing week.

Any questions?

Not yet applied or need advice?

We’ve still got places available on a wide range of courses!

Clearing at NESCol

Contact our Student Advice Centre or use our Live Chat to reach one of our advisers, who will be happy to help.

Want to change your application to a different course?

No problem! Email us your full name, date of birth and which course you would like your application changed to.

Send your email to centraladmin@nescol.ac.uk.