
Introduction (Broadly comparable to SCQF Level 4/5)


  • Sport, Fitness & Uniformed Services

Why take this course?

This course will help you develop introductory skills relevant to the sport and leisure industry in order to start a career in this field. It is designed to offer progression towards further academic study or entry level employment within the sport and leisure industry.

Delivered through a combination of both theory and practical classes. You will develop a basic understanding of the different systems of the body, planning gym sessions, develop coaching skills, problem solving, teamwork and communication skills.

You will also develop essential skills that are valued by employers and higher education whilst developing a good understanding of the subject.

What you will experience

Topics include:

  • Introduction to health, exercise and nutrition
  • Basics of anatomy
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Resistance training and circuit training 
  • Participating in a variety of sports
  • Introduction to sports coaching and exercise

We work with several key partners such as the Scottish Football Association, Aberdeen Sports Village, Aberdeen Football Community Trust, Active Schools Aberdeen City and Shire, allowing networking opportunities for our students with professionals and experts in the industry which can be advantageous for future career opportunities for learners. Students will have the opportunity to experience guest coaching sessions in different sports such as American Football and Handball. Students will also have the opportunity to compete in Cross-Campus Sports Events across the academic year.